Ahhh Chinese New Year... and it's spectacular weather!

... my foot.

Poor tantan got Ayam Pox, and your's truly has not gotten Ayam Pox yet, so I shall avoid tantan for about 3 weeks. =P

BIG NEWS. For me. I landed my first interview session. I know it's no biggie, but it's BIGGIE to me.

I, for one, am sort of terrified of interviews. Just for the fact that I have to speak to a stranger scares me. I've been reading up on interview questions, asking Von for advice, but I can never feel prepared.
I just hope that I can score the tests (3 of them!!), written a good essay and perform fantastically for my interview on Monday.


You know what's even better? Pai Tin Kung is on Sunday. Which means gazillion of fire crackers going off in the houses behind my apartment. At 12am. Approximately 9 hours before my war.


Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'

~ Don't stop believin' by Journey/Glee Cast
I have really paid attention to this song by the original singers before, but the Glee Cast one really stood out. Must be Rachel.
Lyrics credits

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