Everyday passes so quickly.

Monday 29 March
Medical check up. Wait another 1-2 weeks for offer. Please don't torture me like that! Lunch at Fullhouse in Yap Kwan Seng. I am disappointed at the fact that it is no longer pure white thanks to the wear and tear. =(

Tuesday 30 March
Qing Ming. Went to Nilai to 'visit' Granpa and then off to Cheras to pray for Great Grandparents. I wonder if they had already reincarnate since it's been so long!

Tantan's birthday! Hahaha. Too bad we didn't get to meet up for YC as it was too late after dinner. Great job Brenddie on the photo edits! I pinjam one photo for this entry ya...

Happy 21st Birthday Tantan!

Today I also met up with Von for dinner at KLCC since she's free for once! Thanks for the treat! You'll get my treat soon, hopefully... Gossip galore and some shopping done.

Wednesday 31 March
We went to Tenji! Last day of promotion, which is RM50.00++. Second time going there. I still love the steam cod fish. Mmmm.
Baskin Robbins + Haagen Daaz + Kindori in Tenji > Haagen Daaz in Jogoya.

Thursday 1 April
April Fools! Didn't get pranked thank you.
Went for movie. I watched How to Train Your Dragon. It was really nice. I feel it is more enjoyable than Up.

Friday 2 April
Stayed at home at last! I went out the past few days and I felt drained. I need some alone time with myself. Haha. Since mum went to make her yummy acar at Kaima's house and since she's not around to watch Bloomberg or Wah Lai Toi (haha!), I played some Wii.

Saturday 3 April
Today just began, but I already have the day planned out. Had to reject YY's invite for yumcha as I already planned today on Wednesday. We're making pies again! This time with mince pork and some gravy on the side. Hopefully it'll be better than the first time.

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2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Heya Yan!
    I was reading my friends list just the other day and I remember you and your interesting entries! I miss your entries on lj and entries here are still very much you (: How are you? Omedetou on your graduation! I'm finally visiting Melbourne and I'm going during this April break. I remember you recommending Philip Island to me and yup, I am going there as well. Looking forward to see that awesome place you've mentioned and those penguins. ^.^ Hope you're doing well ne~ Take care~

  2. yan Says:

    So nice to hear from you again! Should I call you splited? Or HeyTing? X)
    Thank you! Wow I can't believe you remembered! I hope you'll have a FANTASTIC time there. Go on as many trips as you can!
    I'm linking you here, I hope you don't mind. It'll be great to read stuff from your LJ again.
    Take care too!