Just got back from Alice in Wonderland. I am slightly disappointed.

I want MadHatterXAlice now! Haha. I was seriously expecting him to show up after Absolem (Professor Snape!) did towards the end.


On the way back, mum picked me up from the LRT. Then as we were passing by a primary school, the car in front of us swayed abit to the left, we thought he wanted to stop at the primary school.

Mum: Aiyoh, you see this car. Want to stop also didn't signal.

Me: Yalo yalo.

But the the car moved forward. And we saw on the road...

... a very small kitten! Double the size of your fist perhaps.

Don't worry, it was still alive! And being a lost kitten, it was wandering in the middle of the road! So mum stopped the car in the middle of the road in case we ran over it. But the kitten was so tiny we couldn't see it! She seriously didn't know what to do. I bet people behind were thinking something along the lines of:

People in the cars behind: Yor, screw this car wei. Stopping in the middle of the road for nothing. Your greatgreatgreat grandfather's road ar?

I know, Malaysian driver stereotype. But believe me, I've been in situations where I was one of the people-in-the-cars-behind-the-car-that-stopped-in-the-middle-of-the-road-for-nothing.

Then all of a sudden *jengjengjeng* we heard the sound of a horn from behind. A couple on a motorbike stopped and picked up the kitty. They were smiling at us and we were smiling at them.

... it's just like the sun was shining again on our cloudy day.

And we all went back home happily ever after. The end.

Although it seems like there will be thunderstorms later in the evening. Bless the kitty.

We planned a birthday surprise for a childhood friend, Tantan. Although her birthday is a week later, all of us were free, so we did it on the yesterday. We bought a cake and went to her house, singing a birthday song at her door. Fun times. Fun times.

Her 21st birthday on the 21st of March. We rock! =P

Hi miss Alice
What kind of dreams
Do you see
With your eyes of glass?
Do they fascinate you?

~ still doll by Wakeshima Kanon [Vampire Knight ED]
Lyrics credits

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