Hello there!

I migrated from yan-desu.livejournal.com

Will not be leaving LJ, as I still need it for the lovely communities I've joined. But this is a better place to blog.

No more LJ cuts, worrying about disrupting another LJ user's friends page. Posts will be as long as I want them and as many pictures as I want to upload till the end of the Earth.

Till next time!
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2 Responses
  1. brentdakay Says:

    OOOH! Welcome welcome to blogspot darling! i shall make the first comment, too here as well i did in LJ before... Technically in this comment section lar, not shout box...haha

    good new is now you have ur own shout-out, so we all can start spamming from now on, mwahahahaha... =P

  2. yan Says:

    Tsk tsk tsk! Haha!!
    Thanks babe! Freedom now huh? With your exams done and over with. XP

    See ya real soon!