I always do recaps on things that I did because I'm too tired/lazy to post immediately after that. >.<
22/1I'm supposed to meet up with See Mun and Wen Yen at the Imbi monorail about 12pm. So since mum has to go to kaima's to make the kuih kapek, I had to leave about 10.30. I walked around Times Square, until I was so bored I picked a bench and waited about 1 hour I think, before they arrived at 1pm. But all is well, because I'm feeling very good that day. I actually sat and observed the people walking by. Young couples. Working ladies. Secondary girls in uniforms. Without
kancing baju. When is the trend going to die off? Geez.
I was also holding bck the urge to buy BigBang's concert CD. Because it's not Ori (based on my experience Ori is NEVER so cheap). And who know's about the quality of the videos eh? So I passed for now. Perhaps after CNY.
XDOMG LADY JUST PUKED ON THE FLOOR. I just cleaned the mess up. Must be indigestion from eating too much! Sigh...Anyway, so what we did was:
- Followed Wen Yen to Tung Shin Hospital for the medical check up for her Australia visa
- Ate yummy egg tart in her car because we skipped lunch
- Rounding BB area for a cheap place to park
- End up parking in front of Sakura and walked all the way to Pavilion under the hot sun
D=- Decided to eat Fridays for dinner at 5pm.
- Cracked a lame question at Von when she asked where were we eating.
- Chat chat chat
- Shopped a little
- Went to find a place with Wifi
- Settled with Old Town
Signature. (More variety of food at a greater price)
- The others chose to go on FB with their awesome tech phones while I'm stuck with my beloved w980 with no Wifi feature.
"FB war"- Stayed in 1867 while everyone was in 2010
- Had loads of laugh watching them chat with FB instead of chatting in reality
- See their frustrated faces when the Wifi got cut off and trying to connect to other networks.
- Called Wui Mun to join us for yumcha.
- Decided on the Curve, and walked back to Sakura
"Sexy backs"
This was candid so they weren't posing. But it looks like they were!- When we arrived, most of the shops were taking last orders
- Settled on McD in e@Curve.
>_>- Chat more, exchange riddles and gossips
- Said goodbye about 12.30am
25/1Monday-dayCooking at Amanda's! Supposed to go PD but the plan got canceled, and Tantan and Yoongyoong had something to do last minute, so it's only 4 of us whackos. Me, Von, Mei Ling and Manda.
We met up about 10.30, then began our cooking!
XD- Manda enlightened us on the menu of the day, Bubur Chacha, Pasta and Chicken Pie!
- Chicken pie was already prepared by Manda's mum (cooking wonder!) and was baking when we got there
- Prepared ingredients for BBCC and Pasta, I was assigned to cut the potato and yam! Beware of my knife skills! Muahaha.
"Acting busy"
Von and her kung fu chopping skills
- After a long time, finally finished cutting up stuff.
- Put the BBCC stuff to boil
- Ate chicken pie! It was GOOOOOD. Mmmmmmmmmm. We got the recipe!
- Preparing to make the pasta. Manda the chef!
"Tasting her creation"
- Loads of laughter in between. I caught some pretty nice videos. Always hilarious to re-watch!
"Mei Ling and her tap plant"
- Eat eat eat!
- Chat chat chat
"Most normal pic of the day"
- Cleaned-up, played a few games, lazed around Manda's house
- Discovered her awesome swing!
Ahhh it was so fun! I want to do it again!